If you don’t want to have ads on your devices (even on your phone/tabelet) at least in your home network, have an only raspberry laying around and are really lazy, then I might have the solution for you! Best part of it is that you won’t need to connect your raspberry (or other SBC – the image we are going to use supports a plethora of ARM development boards) to a monitor, keyboard and mouse; that’s right it’s a headless install.
Things you’ll need:
- A Raspberry Pi or any other DietPi supported device (even a VM will do)
- Win32DiskImager
- DietPi image
Download DietPi from the above link, extract it and start Win32DiskImager:
Select the image you just extracted and the device you want to write to:
Hit Write and wait for it to finish:
Here is DHCP leases table:
After waiting for a bit the device appears:
Now we can connect to it using PuTTY:
Log in as root with dietpi password:
You are greeted with the license, hit Ok:
Wait for it to finish the installation:
Wait even more:
After if finishes it needs to reboot, hit Ok:
Reconnecing to it you will be shown the GPLv2 license once more:
After hitting enter it will start the DietPi-Software wizzard:
Go to Software Optimized and hit enter:
You are presented with the list of available software to your specific single board computer:
Scroll way down to find item number 93, namely Pi-hole, select it by hitting space and install it by selecting Ok:
It will ask you to set a static IP address, since you have it set via DHCP select Yes:
It will notice you that the DietPi-Config will be launched, hit Ok:
Select your wired interface and hit Ok:
Currently its set to DHCP mode, lets change that:
Set it to STATIC and enter your address, mask and gateway, also select a DNS provider, I went with the default that is Google, go to Apply and hit Ok:
It will warn you that the device will reconnect with the new address, hit Ok:
Wait a bit and then reconnect to the device using the new address. It will warn you that the software install is already running in background:
The lazy way out of this is just to restart the device:
Reconnect to it. Haven’t read the GPLv2 license yet? No worries, you are presented with it a third time:
Let’s select the Pi-hole package once more and start the install process:
Now that we have a static IP address set we can select No:
And finally start the install process:
One more notice, hit Ok:
Okay, but this is the last one, right?
And now to the final notice:
No wait there’s another one:
Select the DNS provider once more:
Select the protocols you want to use:
Select Yes:
Hit Ok:
Keep the web admin interface On, cause it looks nice:
Also keep logging On cause it will make pretty graphs:
Wait for it to install:
Wait even more:
After it’s finished you are presented with the random generated admin password for the admin interface:
And that password gets promptly overridden by DietPi:
Wait for post install tasks:
After everything is done, you are presented with the following prompt:
Let’s navigate to the Pi-holes admin page by going to the before mentioned url:
After clicking Login we are prompted for the password:
Entering dietpi as password we are logged in:
Let’s change the DNS server by going to IP -> DNS:
Enter the DietPis IP address into the servers field and hit Ok:
After it was set I visited a few websites and behold, we have some data:
Security Considerations
Change the default password of the root user by running:
Also change Pi-hole’s password by running:
pihole -a -p
Start DietPi-Config by running:
and go to 8. Network Options: NAS/Misc:
Select Samba Client:
Select Ok:
Wait for install to finish:
After it’s done go to Samba Client once more:
Enter the name or IP address of your file server:
The folder name:
The user:
And finally the password:
After it’s set up you can see on the top side of the window that it is mounted to /mnt/samba go back:
And select Exit:
It will of course ask for confirmation:
And we are back at the prompt:
Now we need to run:
By default it isn’t set up so let’s wait till it installs some more packages:
After it’s done the following screen should appear:
Let’s change Backup mode from System only to Full:
Then we can run create one by going to Backup and hitting Ok:
It will ask for confirmation, hit Ok:
Wait for it to finish:
After it’s done it will announce it, and you can check the log file as well if you wish, hit Ok:
After the backup is done it will restart it’s services:
We’ll be directed back to the DietPi-Backup screen, from where we can Exit:
Hit Ok:
We can tar the backup to the network share we set up above by running:
tar -cf /mnt/samba/backup.tar /mnt/dietpi-backup/
Here’s the nice part: we can automate the whole process by creating a cron schedule for it. Let’s create it now by running:
crontab -e
Its the first time we are running it so we need to select the text editor. I recommend nano:
Here’s the crontab for root:
Let’s go to the end of the file and insert:
weekly dietpi-backup 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 && tar -cf /mnt/samba/$(date +"%Y%m%d").tar /mnt/dietpi-backup/ > /dev/null 2>&1
After we save and exit it will be installed and ran weekly: