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TortoiseSVN installation and configuration

TortoiseSVN is a windows Subversion client. The really neat thing about it is, that it integrates into windows as a shell extension, meaning that you can easily use it from any kind of file manager you want. Let’s see install it! There are separate 32bit and 64bit versions available for download at this link. If …

Installing and configuring XAMPP

XAMPP is a really versatile web development kit for PHP and/or Perl. It includes Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl and a lot of other nifty programs, it has a nice control panel, even has an FTP server. Best of all: it is cross-platform. In this how to we will install it and configure it. First of …

known OWA bug and how to fix it

There is some incompatibility between Forefront and Outlook Web App, that is periodical and really annoying. (see screenshot of the error screen below) Luckily you just need to stop all services, disconnect Forefront from OWA, restart the services, stop them again, connect Forefront to OWA and finally start all services again. Here is the breakdown …

sme server post install tasks

SME Server comes already configured and ready to go, but there are a couple of things that still no be done. I will presume that you installed SME server properly and set up internet access. This post is mainly focused on SME server in gateway mode running on as a guest on ESX 4.1. If your running …

intro to sme server

SME Server (formerly known as e-smith) is a Linux distribution based on CentOS offering an operating system for computers used as web, file, email and database servers. It employs a comprehensive UI for all management-related tasks and is extensible through templates. The letters SME stand for Small to Medium Enterprise, as that is the target …